Sunday, September 18, 2005

A new receptacle for my random thoughts

So, why a blog?

Just wanted a place where I could post my thoughts on whatever I want, where I could be free to disagree with whoever I want, without having to worry about being censored by anyone other than myself.

A place where I can post my opinion, so I can come back to it in a couple years and marvel at how wrong I used to be.

A place where I can provide regular updates to my family and friends on my life-- nothing interesting this week.

Will anyone read this? Does it matter whether anyone reads this?

Not sure yet where this is going. Will I be trying to entertain others, or just myself?

That's all I can think of for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Myles here wishing you success (how does one define success on a blog????) with this. You suck for making me add another link in my (at least) weekly Internet surfing, but I for one listen to what you say, even if the other side has audio tapes to prove otherwise ;)

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saint Bucky here suggesting you stick to your day job, whatever that may be.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5-0 says yo. Peter Lee and you are mavericks...BM is Eddie Haskell.

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another BM hater would like to wish you wonderful success and I hope that one day you rule the world. I love 76Badger and wish he would stop drinking so much so we could cuddle more and watch the OC together:)

7:29 PM  

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